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To be honest, I haven't always been a photographer, and if you had asked me 10 years ago, if I would be taking photos for a living, I probably would have given you a strange look.

Well, fast forward a bit, and here I am, living and breathing all things photography. It truly is my passion and if you ask anyone close to me, I always have a camera on me. 

Having worked in the creative field (Graphic Design) for the better part of my life, I think photography was just the natural evolution of my journey. I have always had a great creative eye, and I think photography allows me to embrace that fully.

So, why did I choose wedding photography specifically? After all, that is a lot of responsibility, capturing a once in a lifetime day, there are no do overs. Wedding photography me is my passion because it encompasses all aspects of photography. Most importantly, I get to find those fleeting moments between people that only last a split second. 

If I had to define my style, I would say that I just try to focus on the story, by peeling away all other distractions and forcing the viewer to see what I see, but in their own way.